Jordan’s Principle

Jordan’s Principle

If you are aware of a First Nation child who is not receiving the health and social services/supports that they need, you are encouraged to contact your local Service Coordinator.

In Memory of Jordan River Anderson (1999-2004)

Jordan’s Principle is a child-first principle named in memory of Jordan River Anderson, a First Nation child from Norway House Cree Nation in Manitoba. Born with complex medical needs, Jordan spent more than two years unnecessarily in hospital while the Province of Manitoba and the federal government argued who would pay for his at-home care. Jordan died in the hospital at the age of five years old, never having spent a day in his family home (First Nations Caring Society, Jordan’s Principle, 2016).

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What is Jordan's Principle?

Jordan's Principle is a child-first principle meant to prevent all First Nation children from being denied essential services or experiencing delays in receiving them. Jordan's Principle:

  • applies to all First Nation children (on or off-reserve), who have status, or whose parents have status;

  • is a gap funder. If this service is not available elsewhere and is a publicly funded service, it can be covered. If it is not publicly funded, information can be presented for things above and beyond what is provincially covered for possible approval;

  • involves all jurisdictional disputes, between federal departments or between federal and provincial governments.


  • In 2007, Parliament unanimously voted in favor of Jordan’s Principle, but the scope was limited and did not fully honor the commitment.

  • In a landmark ruling on January 26, 2016, the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal (CHRT) ordered the federal government to immediately stop applying a limited and discriminatory definition of Jordan’s Principle, and to immediately take measures to implement the full meaning and scope of the principle (First Nations Caring Society, Jordan’s Principle, 2016). There have been many more CHRT rulings since then

  • In July 2016, the federal government made a commitment to fully implement Jordan’s Principle and reserved $382.5 million to hire service coordinators and to a fund called the Service Access Resolution Fund (SARF)

  • The 2019 federal budget announced $1.2 billion dollars for Jordan’s Principle for 2019-2021.

  • The 2022-2024 funding arrangement was renewed in 2022, delayed due to Covid-constraints.

Are all First Nation children included under Jordan’s Principle?

Yes. All First Nation children 0-19 years old with an identified need for a service or support are included, regardless of their health or social status, or place of residency (on or off-reserve). Children of parents with status are also covered.

What services and supports are included?

If a First Nations child needs a publicly funded health, social or educational service or support that other Canadian children receive, and cannot access it through existing programs in the community, then it is an eligible service or support through Jordan’s Principle. Coverage has been provided for a variety of services and supports, including but not limited to:

  • mental health services

  • rehabilitative therapies (such as occupational therapy, speech-language pathology)

  • medical supplies and equipment (that are not covered through NIHB)

  • education supports and services (educational assistants, assistive technology)

  • dental and vision care

  • specialized assessments (psychoeducational, Autism, ADHD)

Who do families contact to get access to services and supports?

Anyone who is aware of a First Nation child who is not receiving the health and social services/supports that are needed is encouraged to contact their local service coordinator. Tribal Councils have supports available, or families can call the Indigenous Services Canada First Nations Inuit Health Branch (FNIHB) Jordan’s Principle team directly.

Natoaganeg, Metepenagiag, Ugpi’Ganjig, Oinpegitjoig, Tjipogtotjg, Lnui’Menikuk, or Amlamgog (NSMTC)
506.352.2411 |

Esgenoopetitj (MAWIW)

Elsipogtog (MAWIW)

Matawaskiye, Neqotkuk, Pilick, Sitansisk, Welamukotuk, or Wotstak (WTCI)
(506) 459-6341 |

First Nations & Inuit Health Branch (ISC)
1.833.652.0210 |